The past week I have been "blog hopping", reading, talking on the phone, emailing, watching the Olympics, and trying to figure (pondering) out where I want to set up my sewing area so I don't have to put it away all the time. I know it will come to me in a flash when I least expect it.
Everyone seems to be creating or getting ready to create. I stopped into the new quilt shop in town yesterday and there were lots of gals in there talking about their next projects. I was in there to check out some ceramic buttons. I had met a gal at PT a couple of weeks ago, and she teaches classes on jackets at the shop and she and a friend make these buttons (in their spare time) for wearable art. I am looking for a favor button for the Michigan Button Society show to be held in October, 2010. Our club is hosting and we need to find a "unique" favor button. We have two other options......Linda K. has some awesome medium and large carved pearls, and one other possibility is on hold due to travels. Will let you know how this works out. I won't be able to show you until after the show because it is supposed to be a surprise.
Everyone else in my Button World is busy thinking about our Spring Show which is in Okemos, MI, April 30th and May 1st. If you need further info email me, please, see lower right of this blog on how to reach me. Our theme for this show is "Children's Stories", the little mouse above is from Beatrix Potter. My theme tray will be about Peter Rabbit, right now it is about fourth in line in my list of projects.
Saturday is our monthly button meeting for the Mayflower Button Club, and our speaker will be Cindy Best, the topic will be Bakelite Buttons! Should be a good one!
Be sure to hop over to the blogs I follow. Linda K. just found some very interesting books to create. Donna at Brynwood Needleworks has recently completed a very awesome scarf. If you are wandering around in blogs like I have been, you can't really help but be inspired AND impressed.
Pat's Book.............
"All people smile in the same language."
Take some pictures today - take a lot of them.
Breeding Season for My Geese
15 hours ago